our vision

Break down barriers to travel

A diagonal arrow.
journeys worldwide
journeys worldwide
a guiding outlook
Let’s make travel
accessible to all

Current tools and corporate pricing have made travel overly complex and unattainable for common folk. We believe this is wrong. Travel isn't some luxury of life; it's mandatory for mental health, motivation, and fostering bonds with kin. We use travel as a way to search our spirit, define our purpose, and add color to our soul. Although Swift cannot control the cost of airfare, accommodation, and other travel services, we believe that by simplifying planning and eliminating budget mysteries, we can help travelers get much closer to fulfilling this essential part of life.

J. Clarke
CEO and Founder

Based on the average family vacation that's the portion that airfare and accommodation account for.


About 2 out of 10 people actually commit to vacation plans. Most abandon their cart because of the unknown.


Those more likely to experience improved performance and mental health after traveling.

Did you know?
making sweet plans swift-ly

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